MATH201/content/Reduction of order (lec 11).md

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Reduction of order

#reduction_of_order Consider the equation:


But, if y_{1}(x) solves the homogenous counterpart: y''+p(x)y'+q(x)y=0 then we can find the general solution to the non homogenous equation (1) by guessing it in the form: y(x)=v(x)y_{1}(x) let's calculate the derivatives wrt. x: y'=v'y_{1}+vy_{1}' y''=v''y_{1}+2v'y_{1}'+vy_{1}'' plugging in: (v''y_{1}+2v_{1}'y_{1}'+y_{1}''v)+p(x)(v'y_{1}+vy_{1}')+q(x)vy_{1}=f(x) v\cancelto{ 0 }{ (y_{1}''+p(x)y_{1}'+q(x)y_{1}) }+v''y_{1}+(2y_{1}'+p(x)y_{1})v'=f(x) y_{1}v''+(2y_{1}'+p(x)y_{1})=f(x) v''+\left( \frac{2y_{1}'}{y_{1}}+p(x) \right)v'=\frac{f(x)}{y_{1}} substitute v'=u u'+\left( \frac{2y_{1}'}{y_{1}}+p(x) \right)u=\frac{f(x)}{y_{1}}<- This is now a linear first order equation #de_L_type2 This can be solved with prior tools now, We compute the integrating factor \mu \mu=e^{\int(2y_{1}'/y_{1}+p)dx}=e^{\ln(y_{1}^2)}e^{\int P(x) \, dx}=y_{1}^2\cdot e^{\int p(x) \, dx} From there, continue on as you would with any linear first order equation. Isn't this nice? some kind of magic. We made some guesses and we arrived somewhere.

#ex #second_order_nonhomogenous #reduction_of_order Find the general solution to the equation:


if y_{1}(x)=e^{-x^2} is one solution.

Ouch look at those x terms. And the exponent on the RHS. This isn't even in Cauchy Euler form!

we guess the general solution will be in the form: y(x)=v(x)y_{1}=v(x)e^{-x^2} substitute: v'=u plug into formula derived above: u'+\left( \frac{2y_{1}'}{y_{1}}+4x \right)u=\frac{8{e^{-x^2}e^{-2x}}}{e^{-x^2}} <-(note: p(x)=4x) u'+\underbrace{ \left( \frac{2{e^{-x^2}(-2x)}}{e^{-x^2}}+4x \right) }_{ =0 }u=8e^{-2x} u'=8e^{-2x}

Lucky us! This is just a separable equation. No need to treat it like a linear equation.

u=-4e^{-2x}+c_{1} v'=u=-4e^{-2x}+c_{1} v(x)=2e^{-2x}+c_{1}x+c_{2} general solution:


We are done.