MATH201/content/Free vibrations (lec 11).md

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#start of lecture 11 last lecture we did cauchy euler equations: ax^2{\frac{d^2y}{dx^2}+bx{\frac{ dy }{ dx }}+cy=f(x)},\ x>0 where a,\ b,\ c are still constants and \in \mathbb{R}

  1. x=e^t a{\frac{d^2y}{dt^2}}+(b-a){\frac{dy}{dt}}+cy=f(e^t) <- lousy notation, the y here isnt quite the same as in the above definition.
  2. y=x^r ar^2+(b-a)r+C=0 three cases: (i) r_1\ne r_{2} then: y_{h}(x)=c_{1}x^{r_{1}}+c_{2}x^{r_{2}} (ii) r_{1}=r_{2}=r then: y_{h}(x)=c_{1}x^r+c_{2}x^r\ln(x) (iii) r_{1,2}=\alpha+i\beta then: y_{h}(x)=x^2(c_{1}\cos(\ln \beta x)+c_{2}\sin \ln(\beta x)) now find one particular solution for a non homogenous soultion, using variation of parameters, combine the y_h and y_p to get y(x).

not all equations can fall into cauchy euler type. y''+p(x)y'+q(x)y=f(x) (1) <- no general solution procudure always but, if y_{1}(x) solves y''+p(x)y'+q(x)y=0 then we can find the general solution to the non homogenous equation (1) by guessing it in the form y(x)=v(x)y_{1}(x) y'=v'y_{1}+vy_{1}' y''=v''y_{1}+2v'y_{1}'+vy_{1}'' (v''y_{1}+2v_{1}'y_{1}'+y_{1}''v)+p(x)(v'y_{1}+vy_{1}')+q(x)vy_{1}=f(x) v\cancelto{ 0 }{ (y_{1}''+p(x)y_{1}'+q(x)y_{1}) }+v''y_{1}+(2y_{1}'+p(x)y_{1})v'=f y_{1}v''+() v''+\left( \frac{2y_{1}'}{y_{1}}+p \right)v'=\frac{f}{y_{1}} v'=u u'+\left( \frac{2y_{1}'}{y_{1}}+p \right)u=\frac{f}{y_{1}}<- this is a linear first order equation how to solve linear first order equation? we compute the integrating factor \mu \mu=e^{\int(2y_{1}'/y_{1}+p)dx}=e^{\ln(y_{1})^2}e^{\int P(x) \, dx}=y_{1}^2e^{\int p(x) \, dx} isnt this nice? some kind of magic. We made some guesses and we arrived somewhere.

#ex find the general solution to the equation: y''+4xy'+(4x^2+2)y=8e^{-x(x+2)} if y_{1}(x)=e^{-x^2} is one solution. therefore were finding the solution of the form: y(x)=v(x)y_{1}=v(x)e^{-x^2} v'=u u'+\left( \frac{2y_{1}'}{y_{1}}+4x \right)u=\frac{8{e^{-x^2}e^{-2x}}}{e^{-x^2}} <-(p(x)=4x) u'+\left( \frac{2{e^{-x^2}(-2x)}}{e^{-x^2}}+4x \right)u=8e^{-2x} u'=8e^{-2x} u=-4e^{-2x}+c_{1} v'=u=-4e^{-2x}+c_{1} v(x)=2e^{-2x}+c_{1}x+c_{2} general solution:


Free vibrations

mr^2+br+k=0 characteristic polynomail (i) r_{1}\ne r_{2} b^2-4mk>0 y_{h}(t)=c_{1}e^{r_{1}t}+c_{2}e^{r_{2}t} r_{1,2}=-\frac{b}{2m}\pm \frac{\sqrt{ b^2-4mk }}{2m}<0 then the limit of the homogenous solution is 0 as t->\infty (over damped case) (ii) r_{1}=r_{2}=-\frac{b}{2m} r_{1}=r_{2}=-\frac{b}{2m} y_{h}(t)=e^-\frac{b}{2m}+c_{2}te^{-b/2m}t limit =0 as t approches inf critically damped