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Worst website ever!!! (imo)
They make the students pay for course materials that they don't own, and guess where they get the course material? THE STUDENTS!! WTF. Probably facilitating infringing on the copyrights of professors, and yet they still make a profit on that! And I wouldn't be so upset about it if it were priced reasonably, but it's not; it's 83.88CAD for a year or 35.97CAD for 3 months.
Now, I know there's gonna be a bunch of pirates, I can already hear them smirking and pushing their glasses up: "Intellectual property is not real, copyright is not real, piracy is morally correct,..." I know what you mean. And sometimes I agree; I can justify in my mind pirating a copy of Adobe software or downloading an overly expensive text book. But sometimes it's not so clear-cut, and it's morally ambiguous. It's easy to be an advocate of piracy, but when you're on the receiving end, now it's not so nice, is it? And it's not so nice when people whose lives depend on the sales of their children's storybooks are unsure if they can pay their next rent. Meanwhile, a pirate is bragging to their face about how good their philosophy is. "Piracy helps distribute knowledge to people with low incomes; it allows anyone to have equal opportunity for education." You are absolutely correct. But how can you expect people to want to share their works when everyone is constantly a pirate?
Whatever viewpoint you have, the biggest idea I want to leave with you is: please don't be arrogant. I have been arrogant on this subject before. It's much more realistic to see the topic of piracy from both viewpoints.