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0.748046875, 0.748046875, 0.748046875, 0.748046875, 0.748046875, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.751953125, 0.751953125, 0.75390625, 0.755859375, 0.7607421875, 0.7607421875, 0.765625, 0.767578125, 0.767578125, 0.767578125, 0.767578125, 0.767578125, 0.767578125, 0.767578125, 0.767578125, 0.767578125, 0.771484375, 0.7744140625, 0.771484375, 0.771484375, 0.771484375, 0.775390625, 0.775390625, 0.77734375, 0.77734375, 0.77734375, 0.77734375, 0.77734375, 0.76953125, 0.76953125, 0.76953125, 0.7763671875, 0.7763671875, 0.7734375, 0.767578125, 0.748046875, 0.7412109375, 0.7392578125, 0.7392578125, 0.7294921875, 0.7353515625, 0.7392578125, 0.74609375, 0.7490234375, 0.7509765625, 0.7529296875, 0.7548828125, 0.759765625, 0.759765625, 0.76171875, 0.76171875, 0.76171875, 0.763671875, 0.763671875, 0.763671875, 0.7666015625, 0.7685546875, 0.7685546875, 0.7685546875, 0.7685546875, 0.7685546875, 0.7685546875, 0.7685546875, 0.7685546875, 0.7685546875, 0.7685546875, 0.7685546875, 0.7685546875, 0.7685546875, 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