# This is the main index I have written these notes for myself, I thought it would be cool to share them. These notes may be inaccurate, incomplete, or incoherent. No warranty is expressed or implied. Reader assumes all risk and liabilities. $$\text{Happy reading week! <3\quad - Nov 10 2023}$$ [Separable equations (lec 1)](separable-equations-lec-1.html) [Homogenous equations (lec 2)](homogenous-equations-lec-2.html) [Linear equations (lec 2-3)](linear-equations-lec-2-3.html) [Bernoulli equations (lec 3)](bernoulli-equations-lec-3.html) [Linear coefficient equations (lec 4)](linear-coefficient-equations-lec-4.html) [Exact equations (lec 4-5)](exact-equations-lec-4-5.html) [Second order homogenous linear equations (lec 5-7)](second-order-homogenous-linear-equations-lec-5-7.html) [Method of undetermined coefficients (lec 8-9)](method-of-undetermined-coefficients-lec-8-9.html) [Variation of parameters (lec 9-10)](variation-of-parameters-lec-9-10.html) [Cauchy-Euler equations (lec 10-11)](cauchy-euler-equations-lec-10-11.html) [Reduction of order (lec 11)](reduction-of-order-lec-11.html) [Free vibrations (lec 11-12)](free-vibrations-lec-11-12.html) [Resonance & AM (lec 13-14)](resonance-am-lec-13-14.html) [Laplace transform (lec 14-16)](laplace-transform-lec-14-16.html) [Solving IVP's using Laplace transform (lec 17-18)](solving-ivps-using-laplace-transform-lec-17-18.html) [(Heaviside) Unit step function (lec 18)](heaviside-unit-step-function-lec-18.html) [Periodic functions (lec 19)](periodic-functions-lec-19.html) [Convolution (lec 19-20)](convolution-lec-19-20.html) (raw notes, not reviewed or revised yet.) [Dirak δ-function (lec 21)](dirak-δ-function-lec-21.html) (raw notes, not reviewed or revised yet.) [Power series (lec 22-25)](power-series-lec-22-25.html) (raw notes, not reviewed or revised yet.) [Partial differential equations (lec 26-27)](partial-differential-equations-lec-26-27.html) (raw notes, not reviewed or revised yet.)
[How to solve any DE, a flow chart](Solve-any-DE.png) (Last updated Oct 1st, needs revision. But it gives a nice overview.) [Big LT table (.png)](drawings/bigLTtable.png) [Small LT table (.png)](drawings/smallLTtable.png)