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19.199981689453125 ], [ 130.199951171875, 15.600006103515625 ], [ 131.39996337890625, 13.199981689453125 ], [ 132, 10.79998779296875 ], [ 133.199951171875, 8.399993896484375 ], [ 135.5999755859375, 4.79998779296875 ], [ 137.39996337890625, 3.600006103515625 ], [ 139.79998779296875, 2.399993896484375 ], [ 140.39996337890625, 1.79998779296875 ], [ 142.79998779296875, 0.600006103515625 ], [ 144.5999755859375, -0.600006103515625 ], [ 146.39996337890625, -1.20001220703125 ], [ 148.199951171875, -1.79998779296875 ], [ 149.39996337890625, -2.399993896484375 ], [ 150, -2.399993896484375 ], [ 151.199951171875, -2.399993896484375 ], [ 152.39996337890625, -2.399993896484375 ], [ 153.5999755859375, -2.399993896484375 ], [ 155.39996337890625, -1.79998779296875 ], [ 156.5999755859375, -1.79998779296875 ], [ 157.79998779296875, -1.79998779296875 ], [ 159, -1.20001220703125 ], [ 160.79998779296875, -0.600006103515625 ], [ 162.5999755859375, 0 ], [ 163.79998779296875, 0 ], [ 165.5999755859375, 0.600006103515625 ], [ 166.79998779296875, 1.20001220703125 ], [ 168.5999755859375, 1.79998779296875 ], [ 170.39996337890625, 2.399993896484375 ], [ 171.5999755859375, 3.600006103515625 ], [ 172.199951171875, 3.600006103515625 ], [ 172.79998779296875, 4.79998779296875 ], [ 174, 5.399993896484375 ], [ 174.5999755859375, 6 ], [ 175.199951171875, 7.20001220703125 ], [ 175.79998779296875, 8.399993896484375 ], [ 176.39996337890625, 9 ], [ 176.39996337890625, 9.600006103515625 ], [ 177, 10.20001220703125 ], [ 177, 10.79998779296875 ], [ 177.5999755859375, 12 ], [ 178.199951171875, 12.600006103515625 ], [ 178.199951171875, 13.199981689453125 ], [ 178.79998779296875, 13.800018310546875 ], [ 178.79998779296875, 14.399993896484375 ], [ 179.39996337890625, 15.000030517578125 ], [ 179.39996337890625, 15.600006103515625 ], [ 180, 16.199981689453125 ], [ 180, 16.800018310546875 ], [ 180, 17.399993896484375 ], [ 180.5999755859375, 18.000030517578125 ], [ 180.5999755859375, 18.600006103515625 ], [ 181.20001220703125, 19.199981689453125 ], [ 181.20001220703125, 19.800018310546875 ], [ 181.20001220703125, 20.399993896484375 ], [ 181.20001220703125, 21.000030517578125 ], [ 181.79998779296875, 22.199981689453125 ], [ 181.79998779296875, 22.800018310546875 ], [ 181.79998779296875, 24.600006103515625 ], [ 182.39996337890625, 25.800018310546875 ], [ 182.39996337890625, 26.399993896484375 ], [ 182.39996337890625, 27.600006103515625 ], [ 183, 28.800018310546875 ], [ 183, 29.399993896484375 ], [ 183.5999755859375, 31.800018310546875 ], [ 183.5999755859375, 33.000030517578125 ], [ 183.5999755859375, 35.399993896484375 ], [ 184.20001220703125, 36.600006103515625 ], [ 184.20001220703125, 37.800018310546875 ], [ 184.79998779296875, 39.000030517578125 ], [ 184.79998779296875, 40.199981689453125 ], [ 185.39996337890625, 41.399993896484375 ], [ 186, 42.600006103515625 ], [ 186.5999755859375, 43.800018310546875 ], [ 187.79998779296875, 45.600006103515625 ], [ 190.20001220703125, 48.600006103515625 ], [ 190.79998779296875, 49.199981689453125 ], [ 192.5999755859375, 51.000030517578125 ], [ 194.39996337890625, 52.800018310546875 ], [ 198, 55.199981689453125 ], [ 201, 56.399993896484375 ], [ 202.20001220703125, 57.000030517578125 ], [ 206.39996337890625, 59.399993896484375 ], [ 208.79998779296875, 62.399993896484375 ], [ 210.5999755859375, 64.19998168945312 ], [ 213, 66.00003051757812 ], [ 214.79998779296875, 67.80001831054688 ], [ 217.79998779296875, 69.60000610351562 ], [ 219.5999755859375, 70.80001831054688 ], [ 221.39996337890625, 72.00003051757812 ], [ 223.20001220703125, 73.80001831054688 ], [ 225.5999755859375, 75.60000610351562 ], [ 229.20001220703125, 78.60000610351562 ], [ 231.5999755859375, 80.39999389648438 ], [ 232.79998779296875, 81.00003051757812 ], [ 235.20001220703125, 82.19998168945312 ], [ 237, 83.39999389648438 ], [ 238.79998779296875, 84.60000610351562 ], [ 240.5999755859375, 85.80001831054688 ], [ 242.39996337890625, 87.00003051757812 ], [ 246, 87.60000610351562 ], [ 247.79998779296875, 88.19998168945312 ], [ 250.20001220703125, 88.80001831054688 ], [ 251.39996337890625, 89.39999389648438 ], [ 253.20001220703125, 89.39999389648438 ], [ 254.39996337890625, 89.39999389648438 ], [ 255, 90.00003051757812 ], [ 256.20001220703125, 89.39999389648438 ], [ 257.39996337890625, 88.80001831054688 ], [ 258, 88.80001831054688 ], [ 259.79998779296875, 87.60000610351562 ], [ 261, 86.39999389648438 ], [ 262.20001220703125, 85.19998168945312 ], [ 264.5999755859375, 83.39999389648438 ], [ 267, 79.19998168945312 ], [ 268.79998779296875, 76.19998168945312 ], [ 271.20001220703125, 72.60000610351562 ], [ 273.5999755859375, 69.00003051757812 ], [ 277.20001220703125, 62.399993896484375 ], [ 280.20001220703125, 56.399993896484375 ], [ 283.20001220703125, 49.800018310546875 ], [ 284.39996337890625, 47.399993896484375 ], [ 287.39996337890625, 40.800018310546875 ], [ 288.5999755859375, 38.399993896484375 ], [ 290.39996337890625, 34.800018310546875 ], [ 292.20001220703125, 30.600006103515625 ], [ 294.5999755859375, 26.399993896484375 ], [ 298.20001220703125, 21.600006103515625 ], [ 300.5999755859375, 18.600006103515625 ], [ 302.39996337890625, 15.600006103515625 ], [ 303.5999755859375, 13.199981689453125 ], [ 304.79998779296875, 11.399993896484375 ], [ 305.39996337890625, 8.399993896484375 ], [ 306, 7.20001220703125 ], [ 307.20001220703125, 6 ], [ 308.39996337890625, 4.20001220703125 ], [ 309.5999755859375, 3.600006103515625 ], [ 310.79998779296875, 2.399993896484375 ], [ 311.39996337890625, 1.79998779296875 ], [ 313.20001220703125, 0.600006103515625 ], [ 313.79998779296875, 0 ], [ 315, -0.600006103515625 ], [ 317.39996337890625, -1.20001220703125 ], [ 319.20001220703125, -1.79998779296875 ], [ 320.39996337890625, -1.79998779296875 ], [ 321.5999755859375, -1.79998779296875 ], [ 322.20001220703125, -1.79998779296875 ], [ 323.39996337890625, -2.399993896484375 ], [ 324.5999755859375, -1.79998779296875 ], [ 325.79998779296875, -1.79998779296875 ], [ 327, -1.79998779296875 ], [ 328.20001220703125, -1.20001220703125 ], [ 331.20001220703125, -0.600006103515625 ], [ 332.39996337890625, -0.600006103515625 ], [ 333.5999755859375, 0 ], [ 335.39996337890625, 0.600006103515625 ], [ 336, 0.600006103515625 ], [ 337.79998779296875, 1.20001220703125 ], [ 338.39996337890625, 1.20001220703125 ], [ 339, 1.79998779296875 ], [ 339.5999755859375, 1.79998779296875 ], [ 340.20001220703125, 2.399993896484375 ], [ 340.79998779296875, 3 ], [ 342, 3 ], [ 342.5999755859375, 4.20001220703125 ], [ 343.20001220703125, 4.79998779296875 ], [ 343.79998779296875, 5.399993896484375 ], [ 345, 6.600006103515625 ], [ 345, 7.20001220703125 ], [ 345.5999755859375, 8.399993896484375 ], [ 346.20001220703125, 9 ], [ 346.79998779296875, 9.600006103515625 ], [ 346.79998779296875, 10.20001220703125 ], [ 347.39996337890625, 10.79998779296875 ], [ 347.39996337890625, 11.399993896484375 ], [ 348, 11.399993896484375 ], [ 348, 12 ], [ 348.5999755859375, 12.600006103515625 ], [ 348.5999755859375, 13.199981689453125 ], [ 348.5999755859375, 13.800018310546875 ], [ 348.5999755859375, 13.199981689453125 ], [ 349.20001220703125, 13.199981689453125 ], [ 348.5999755859375, 13.199981689453125 ], [ 349.20001220703125, 13.199981689453125 ], [ 349.20001220703125, 13.800018310546875 ], [ 349.20001220703125, 14.399993896484375 ], [ 349.79998779296875, 15.600006103515625 ], [ 349.79998779296875, 16.199981689453125 ], [ 350.39996337890625, 18.000030517578125 ], [ 350.39996337890625, 18.600006103515625 ], [ 351, 19.199981689453125 ], [ 351, 19.800018310546875 ], [ 351.5999755859375, 21.000030517578125 ], [ 352.20001220703125, 22.199981689453125 ], [ 353.39996337890625, 22.800018310546875 ], [ 354, 23.399993896484375 ], [ 354.5999755859375, 24.000030517578125 ], [ 355.20001220703125, 24.600006103515625 ], [ 355.79998779296875, 25.199981689453125 ], [ 356.39996337890625, 25.800018310546875 ], [ 357, 26.399993896484375 ], [ 357.5999755859375, 26.399993896484375 ], [ 357.5999755859375, 27.000030517578125 ], [ 358.20001220703125, 27.600006103515625 ], [ 358.79998779296875, 28.199981689453125 ], [ 359.39996337890625, 28.800018310546875 ], [ 360, 30.000030517578125 ], [ 360.5999755859375, 30.600006103515625 ], [ 361.20001220703125, 31.199981689453125 ], [ 361.79998779296875, 31.800018310546875 ], [ 362.39996337890625, 32.399993896484375 ], [ 363.5999755859375, 33.000030517578125 ], [ 364.79998779296875, 34.199981689453125 ], [ 365.39996337890625, 34.800018310546875 ], [ 367.20001220703125, 36.000030517578125 ], [ 368.39996337890625, 36.600006103515625 ], [ 369, 36.600006103515625 ], [ 370.20001220703125, 37.800018310546875 ], [ 371.39996337890625, 37.800018310546875 ], [ 373.20001220703125, 38.399993896484375 ], [ 375, 39.000030517578125 ], [ 377.39996337890625, 39.600006103515625 ], [ 378.5999755859375, 40.199981689453125 ], [ 379.79998779296875, 40.800018310546875 ], [ 381.5999755859375, 40.800018310546875 ], [ 383.39996337890625, 40.800018310546875 ], [ 384, 41.399993896484375 ], [ 385.20001220703125, 41.399993896484375 ], [ 387, 42.000030517578125 ], [ 387.5999755859375, 42.000030517578125 ], [ 388.79998779296875, 42.600006103515625 ], [ 390, 42.600006103515625 ], [ 391.20001220703125, 42.600006103515625 ], [ 393, 43.199981689453125 ], [ 393.5999755859375, 43.800018310546875 ], [ 395.39996337890625, 43.800018310546875 ], [ 396, 43.800018310546875 ], [ 397.20001220703125, 44.399993896484375 ], [ 399, 45.000030517578125 ], [ 400.20001220703125, 45.000030517578125 ], [ 403.20001220703125, 45.000030517578125 ], [ 404.39996337890625, 45.000030517578125 ], [ 405.5999755859375, 45.000030517578125 ], [ 406.79998779296875, 45.600006103515625 ], [ 409.20001220703125, 45.600006103515625 ], [ 410.39996337890625, 46.199981689453125 ], [ 412.79998779296875, 46.199981689453125 ], [ 414.5999755859375, 46.800018310546875 ], [ 415.20001220703125, 46.800018310546875 ], [ 417, 47.399993896484375 ], [ 418.20001220703125, 48.000030517578125 ], [ 420, 48.600006103515625 ], [ 421.79998779296875, 49.199981689453125 ], [ 423.5999755859375, 49.199981689453125 ], [ 426.5999755859375, 49.199981689453125 ], [ 429, 49.800018310546875 ], [ 430.20001220703125, 50.399993896484375 ], [ 435, 51.000030517578125 ], [ 437.4000244140625, 51.000030517578125 ], [ 439.800048828125, 51.600006103515625 ], [ 441.5999755859375, 52.199981689453125 ], [ 444, 52.199981689453125 ], [ 448.199951171875, 52.800018310546875 ], [ 450.5999755859375, 52.800018310546875 ], [ 453.5999755859375, 53.399993896484375 ], [ 456.5999755859375, 53.399993896484375 ], [ 460.199951171875, 53.399993896484375 ], [ 466.199951171875, 54.000030517578125 ], [ 468, 54.000030517578125 ], [ 471, 54.600006103515625 ], [ 472.800048828125, 54.600006103515625 ], [ 478.199951171875, 55.199981689453125 ], [ 482.4000244140625, 55.800018310546875 ], [ 486.5999755859375, 55.800018310546875 ], [ 490.800048828125, 55.800018310546875 ], [ 496.800048828125, 56.399993896484375 ], [ 501, 57.000030517578125 ], [ 507, 57.600006103515625 ], [ 511.800048828125, 58.199981689453125 ], [ 516, 58.800018310546875 ], [ 521.4000244140625, 59.399993896484375 ], [ 523.199951171875, 59.399993896484375 ], [ 526.800048828125, 60.000030517578125 ], [ 530.4000244140625, 60.600006103515625 ], [ 536.4000244140625, 61.199981689453125 ], [ 540, 61.199981689453125 ], [ 543.5999755859375, 61.800018310546875 ], [ 547.199951171875, 61.800018310546875 ], [ 556.800048828125, 63.600006103515625 ], [ 559.199951171875, 63.600006103515625 ], [ 563.4000244140625, 64.19998168945312 ], [ 567, 64.19998168945312 ], [ 570.5999755859375, 64.80001831054688 ], [ 574.800048828125, 64.80001831054688 ], [ 578.4000244140625, 65.39999389648438 ], [ 582.5999755859375, 65.39999389648438 ], [ 586.800048828125, 65.39999389648438 ], [ 591, 65.39999389648438 ], [ 595.199951171875, 66.00003051757812 ], [ 599.4000244140625, 66.60000610351562 ], [ 602.4000244140625, 67.19998168945312 ], [ 607.800048828125, 69.00003051757812 ], [ 613.800048828125, 69.60000610351562 ], [ 616.199951171875, 69.60000610351562 ], [ 619.800048828125, 70.19998168945312 ], [ 624, 70.19998168945312 ], [ 628.199951171875, 70.80001831054688 ], [ 634.199951171875, 71.39999389648438 ], [ 637.800048828125, 71.39999389648438 ], [ 642, 71.39999389648438 ], [ 649.199951171875, 71.39999389648438 ], [ 650.4000244140625, 71.39999389648438 ], [ 656.4000244140625, 70.80001831054688 ], [ 660, 70.19998168945312 ], [ 664.199951171875, 69.60000610351562 ], [ 666, 69.60000610351562 ], [ 669.5999755859375, 68.39999389648438 ], [ 675.5999755859375, 67.80001831054688 ], [ 679.800048828125, 67.19998168945312 ], [ 684, 66.60000610351562 ], [ 690, 65.39999389648438 ], [ 694.800048828125, 64.19998168945312 ], [ 703.199951171875, 61.800018310546875 ], [ 705.5999755859375, 61.199981689453125 ], [ 711, 60.000030517578125 ], [ 715.800048828125, 58.199981689453125 ], [ 720, 57.000030517578125 ], [ 724.800048828125, 55.199981689453125 ], [ 729, 54.000030517578125 ], [ 733.199951171875, 52.800018310546875 ], [ 739.199951171875, 51.000030517578125 ], [ 743.4000244140625, 49.800018310546875 ], [ 746.4000244140625, 48.600006103515625 ], [ 749.4000244140625, 48.000030517578125 ], [ 757.199951171875, 46.199981689453125 ], [ 759, 46.199981689453125 ], [ 760.800048828125, 45.600006103515625 ], [ 763.800048828125, 45.600006103515625 ], [ 765, 45.000030517578125 ], [ 767.4000244140625, 44.399993896484375 ], [ 770.4000244140625, 43.199981689453125 ], [ 773.4000244140625, 42.600006103515625 ], [ 776.4000244140625, 41.399993896484375 ], [ 778.800048828125, 40.800018310546875 ], [ 780.5999755859375, 40.199981689453125 ], [ 786, 39.000030517578125 ], [ 787.199951171875, 39.000030517578125 ], [ 792, 37.800018310546875 ], [ 795, 36.600006103515625 ], [ 796.199951171875, 36.600006103515625 ], [ 799.199951171875, 35.399993896484375 ], [ 803.4000244140625, 34.199981689453125 ], [ 806.4000244140625, 33.600006103515625 ], [ 808.199951171875, 33.000030517578125 ], [ 810, 32.399993896484375 ], [ 811.800048828125, 32.399993896484375 ], [ 813.5999755859375, 32.399993896484375 ], [ 815.4000244140625, 31.800018310546875 ], [ 817.800048828125, 31.199981689453125 ], [ 823.199951171875, 30.000030517578125 ], [ 826.199951171875, 30.000030517578125 ], [ 826.800048828125, 30.000030517578125 ], [ 827.4000244140625, 30.000030517578125 ], [ 828, 30.000030517578125 ], [ 829.199951171875, 30.000030517578125 ], [ 829.800048828125, 29.399993896484375 ], [ 831, 29.399993896484375 ], [ 831.5999755859375, 28.800018310546875 ], [ 832.199951171875, 28.800018310546875 ], [ 832.800048828125, 28.800018310546875 ], [ 832.800048828125, 28.199981689453125 ], [ 833.4000244140625, 28.199981689453125 ], [ 834, 28.199981689453125 ], [ 834.5999755859375, 27.600006103515625 ], [ 835.199951171875, 27.600006103515625 ], [ 835.800048828125, 27.600006103515625 ], [ 835.800048828125, 27.000030517578125 ], [ 836.4000244140625, 27.000030517578125 ], [ 837, 27.000030517578125 ], [ 837, 26.399993896484375 ], [ 837, 25.800018310546875 ], [ 837, 24.600006103515625 ], [ 837, 24.600006103515625 ] ], "pressures": [ 0.0908203125, 0.19140625, 0.63671875, 0.6806640625, 0.6806640625, 0.6806640625, 0.6806640625, 0.6806640625, 0.6826171875, 0.6826171875, 0.6826171875, 0.6826171875, 0.6826171875, 0.6826171875, 0.6826171875, 0.6826171875, 0.6826171875, 0.6845703125, 0.6845703125, 0.6845703125, 0.6845703125, 0.6845703125, 0.6845703125, 0.6845703125, 0.681640625, 0.681640625, 0.681640625, 0.681640625, 0.681640625, 0.68359375, 0.685546875, 0.685546875, 0.685546875, 0.685546875, 0.685546875, 0.689453125, 0.689453125, 0.69140625, 0.685546875, 0.68359375, 0.68359375, 0.68359375, 0.68359375, 0.68359375, 0.68359375, 0.681640625, 0.681640625, 0.681640625, 0.681640625, 0.681640625, 0.681640625, 0.681640625, 0.681640625, 0.681640625, 0.681640625, 0.681640625, 0.681640625, 0.681640625, 0.681640625, 0.681640625, 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