I have written these notes for myself, I thought it would be cool to share them. These notes may be inaccurate, incomplete, or incoherent. No warranty is expressed or implied. Reader assumes all risk and liabilities.
For the midterm exam, I highly recommend watching this video by The Math Sorcerer: [youtube.com/watch?v=kIZpbeE_yTc](https://youtube.com/watch?v=kIZpbeE_yTc)
From my experience, studying off this video was by far the best use of my time. Try each question yourself and follow his solution to check.
For the final exam, I unfortunately couldn't find good study videos. I recommend studying PDE's hard, solidify your understanding of heat eq, driven heat eq, heat eq with non-zero end points, wave eq, and driven wave eq. Afterwards, I recommend studying power series since it's the next biggest scary monster. Finally, go over the rest of the past topics to fill your understanding and memory if you have the time. I'm thinking I should record a final exam review guide, hmmm. I'll update this text if I ever make one.