Welcome! This repository is the source code behind the page [sasserisop.com/MATH201](https://sasserisop.com/MATH201).
The notes are originally written in markdown. In my case, I write my notes using obsidian during the lecutre and revise it when I'm home, although I am trying to move away from that piece of software. The notes are stored as .md files under the [content](./content) folder. The notes are then built into a website using [HUGO](https://gohugo.io), a static site generator. I used a theme called [Zettles](https://github.com/crisrojas/Zettels), I have slightly modified it so that it can render math using [KaTeX](https://katex.org).
Absolutely! You can add your own notes or fixes or anything really. You can contribute by creating an issue or by making a pull request. You can also contact me directly if you have any suggestions or concerns: [mail@sasserisop.com](mailto:mail@sasserisop.com) Please note that I will not accept adding instructor materials without their prior consent. I also do not condone academic dishonesty.